Aloha, Rotary!

Join Rotary President Mark Maloney at the 111th Rotary International Convention in Honolulu, Hawaii, 6-10 June 2020. You’ll experience the heart of Hawaii in Honolulu – the state’s largest and most diverse city which has something for everyone. Attending the convention in Honolulu will be much more than a vacation; it’s an opportunity to make a lifetime of memories with people of action from across the globe.

As a leader you can make a difference in Rotarian attendance at the Rotary Convention. Now’s the time to extend a personal invitation to your members, encouraging them to attend the convention, make new friends, and experience the fun.

Share the excitement by downloading the promotional kit or by sharing the official promotional video to your social networks.


RESCA Program

Please find attached an information sheet on this year’s RESCA program.
We have had several successful applicants from our District in the last few years and it would be great to see more clubs getting involved in nominating Emergency Service Officers in their towns.
You will note that ACT Emergency Services are included this year.
I am available to assist with connecting you to the NSW RESCA Committee if you need any assistance.
See attachment:
PDG Ian Tooke

District 9700 RESCA Contact Person

ph: 02 6368 2574 mobile: 0409 590 547

Future Leaders Seminar

Please find information regarding Future Leaders Seminar regarding the New District D9705. (D9700 and D9710 combined)
This will be held on Friday the 23rd March 2018 at Mittagong RSL from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. There is no cost to attendees and those that attend will get (if they want to) free registration to the District 9710 Conference being held on the 24th and 25th March at the same venue. The Seminar is aimed at those Rotarians who are identified as being future leaders either in their clubs or at district level. It is also open to members who have already been Presidents etc. and those that wish to better their knowledge of Rotary. It is more advanced than RLI. The attendees will need to find their own accommodation.
There are 10 positions available for members from District 9700. It will be conducted by PDG Cathy Roth from District 9780.
If you are interested please contact me.
George Weston ( Carol )PHF
District Governor 2017-18
Rotary District 9700
Mobile: 0417 519 580
Email: [email protected]


Rotary Oceania Medical Aid for Children (ROMAC) requires a self-motivated Rotarian to fill the role of Operations Director.
The position requires the Rotarian to become a Director of ROMAC entities and take overall responsibility (together with the ROMAC Operations Manager), for all operational matters pertaining to the processing of referrals through to the safe return, after treatment, of the ROMAC Patient and their Carer.
To be a successful in this role a candidate will require the following attributes:
1. Proven organisational skills
2. Experience in negotiations at a high level. Experience within the medical and health delivery areas, and other State and Federal government departments, would be beneficial.
3. Confident in their computer skills and demonstrable skills in this area are essential.
4. The Operations Director requires a personality and an ability to accommodate different cultures and encourage volunteers to work as a team.
5. The Operations Director also requires a big heart and be prepared to be one of the key persons to enable ROMAC to fulfil its Mission; that of providing specialist treatment for children from developing countries, in the form of life saving and/or dignity restoring surgery not accessible to them in their home country
Please direct your application, or queries, to the ROMAC Chair, Rob Wilkinson, at [email protected]
Peter Gissing
PO Box 8481
NSW 2650

District 9700 Vocational Service Excellence Awards

Rotary Clubs are requested to identify high profile members from their communities who have demonstrated outstanding achievement in their vocation and have contributed significantly to the advancement of that vocation locally, nationally and/or globally. They may be actors or academics, business people or builders, police force members or politicians, surgeons or sports stars. Most communities have someone who meets these criteria.
Nominees may be Rotarians, must be Australian citizens or permanent residents and preferably reside in or carry out their activities in District 9700. It is important that nominees are NOT informed of their nomination.
Details of the award criteria and nomination forms are attached to this email and are also available from members of the committee.
Group 1.                David Hughes Ph: 68635664 [email protected]
Group 2 Robyn Murray M: 0421053924 [email protected]
Group 3 Recruiting….are you interested in representing Group 3 on this Committee?
Group 4 Tony Sinclair PH: 69738610 [email protected]
Group 5 Recruiting….are you interested in representing Group 3 on this Committee?
Group 6                 Stephen Darlington Ph 63314488 [email protected]
Please note that nominations must be submitted on the prescribed form in order that the committee can evaluate each candidate in a uniform matter. No additional information should be submitted.
Nominations, endorsed by the nominating Rotary Club close with District Chair Len Wade on Friday30 November 2017 to[email protected]
The criteria for this award and the nomination form are attached to this email
I would be most grateful if you would promote these prestigious awards and seek the nomination of suitable candidates. The winners will be recognised at our District Conference in Leeton in May 2018
Best regards
Len Wade
 Chair Rotary District 9700 Vocational Service Committee

[email protected]     Ph: 0427 469460