REMINDER of Zoom meeting
Next Wednesday 2nd August 2017 – 7.00pm EST
We will have PDG John Egan speaking to us on how to develop and utilise FaceBook to our advantage and to improve our communications.
Below are some interesting concepts that might apply to our Club. What do you think?
How flexibility has benefited our club
The club held a medical camp 16 July, conducting a variety of tests.
By Suman Satish Sharma, immediate past president of the Rotary Club of Mumbai Dahisar, India
Since our club decided to pursue changes in our meeting frequency and format, we have had many good results. Previously, we had taken a very conservative approach to the number of meetings, and our presidents found it difficult to find good speakers, leaving them little time to pursue meaningful projects.
Following the 2016 Council on Legislation’s actions allowing greater flexibility, we decided to begin holding two regular meetings a month. It is very relaxing and gives us time to plan projects. Board members are even finding it convenient to attend board meetings without feeling over-burdened. For our members who are doctors, advocates, or otherwise busy professionals, it has been a welcome relief and has made our club more attractive to future members.
It has also reduced our budget. We do not have to bear the cost of meetings where few people were turning out anyway, and so we have been able to reduce our dues. This has made the club more attractive and we have added a few members as a result.
If we have a larger project going on, we convert one of our regular meetings into a session to discuss the project. Our busy professionals can streamline their work and have a bigger impact on our club. This initiative was much needed and we appreciate it.
Learn more about the the club flexibility options