Meet our President 2024-25 – Rosie Dunnett (23 June 2024)

Rosie is a versatile and adaptable Service Manager with Uniting working in a Residential Aged Care facility.
She has diverse experience across administrative support, training and assessing, vocational education, strategic planning, HR, finance, IT, management and leadership which i have transferred into the amazing Aged Care space.
Rosie has a passion for improvement and collaborative work across all stakeholders with a positive encouraging perspective.
Rosie is married to Mal Dunnett who is our President Elect for 2025-26 and they work together on their project – Community Development & Education Assistance, Santa Isabel, Solomon Islands .

District Governor’s Award (23 June 2024)

District Governor Andrea Grosvenor awarded our Club the District Governor’s appreciation Award for Excellence in International Service 2023-24.

The award was announced at the District Changeover held at Young, NSW on Saturday 22nd June. The award was received by Mark Schipp, who becomes a member of our Club as of 1st July 2024.

Our International Service project manager’s are proud that our work was recognised by our District.

YOSA – Youth Opportunities South Africa (27 April 2024)

RAWCS Project 20-2023-24 sponsored by E-Club Serving Humanity

We are looking for your help to support YOSA (Youth Opportunities South Africa) a charity close to the heart of many Qantas Cabin and Flight crew.

The YOSA charity was founded by Astonishment Marupisa and like most non-profit organizations, YOSA needs financial support. Unlike many other charities, we can personally vouch for exactly where any funding to YOSA goes as this is validated to the point where a Qantas Pilot and former cabin crew sit on the advisory board but if you want to learn more just take a look thorough our website. 

Youth Opportunities South Africa Charity (YOSA), recognises many students leave High School without vocational skills to gain meaningful employment. Working with high schools located in and near Johannesburg, we aim to equip students with vocational skills to support them earn an income. Our after-school programs include agricultural projects and vocational training in IT, tailoring and farming.

“Astonishment’s vision articulated during YOSA’s inaugural board meeting is to help one person at a time. His vision stems from the philosophy that poverty is not a sentence with a full stop. While his endeavour is to change young people’s lives, he also believes that young people still have opportunities to change their lives – hence ‘Youth Opportunities’.  This entails improving the participation of young people in academic spaces and in the economy. Consequently, there is a need to marry the social, emotional and academic to enable young people to face the challenges of life with hope. Through research based practice, the long-term vision is to see the project developing a model that impacts youth and childcare across Africa”.

The funds raised will support our cause to provide safe and reliable transport for the volunteers of YOSA and the children and families of the community of Soweto to which YOSA provides support. Funds raised shall also contribute to assist YOSA to contract expert consultancy to attract corporate sponsorship in South Africa to ensure sustainability and growth. 

We thank you deeply for any funds you may be able to donate for this specific cause which will allow YOSA to continue its invaluable work. 

Website –

Meet our President for 2023-24 (6 July 2023)

President John de Ridder

John joined the Rotary Club of Nelson Bay, D9670 in March 2013 and transferred to E-Club Serving Humanity in June 2021.

John de Ridder is recognized locally and internationally as an experienced telecommunications economist. Since leaving Telstra in 2002, he has worked locally for private corporations, regulators and governments. Sometimes, this work is performed as a sub-contractor to a larger consultant (eg GQI Consulting , NERA and LECG).

John’s eighteen year career at Telstra included stints as Chief Economist, Pricing Manager and Director Strategic Studies.

These roles put him at the cutting edge of developments such as universal service costing and the evolution of competition and regulation. John writes the “Economuse” column for the weekly on-line “CommsWire” newsletter and for the Telecommunications Journal of Australia.

Before joining Telstra, John held various positions in Australia and the UK. In Australia he worked as an economist for ICI and as the research manager for IBIS Consulting. In London he worked for Shell International as an economist and for DRI-McGraw Hill as a macro-economic forecaster and in sales.

PIMD partners with Sri Lankan Universities to deliver teacher training (17 April 2023)

PIMD has partnered with the University of Jaffna and the Eastern University of Sri Lanka to offer the PIMD teacher training as short courses through their online and distance learning centres. The first course to be offered is “Teaching Phonological Awareness and Phonics for English in Schools”. 700 primary English teachers applied for the first round in December 2022. The course will run multiple times in 2023 to allow all of these teachers to participate. Further collaboration with the Universities is planned.

Our support of KIVA (22 November 2022)

When we established our online Rotary E-Club Serving Humanity with members from different locations and backgrounds we thought it would benefit our members to build a relationship together assisting less fortunate people in countries other than where we live and work.

One of the Rotary avenues of service is International Service and KIVA allows us to contribute to small projects and entrepreneurs in many countries.

What is KIVA?

More than 1.7 billion people around the world do not have access to banks and cannot access the financial services they need. Kiva is an international non-profit organisation, founded in 2005 in San Francisco, with a mission to expand financial access to help underserved communities thrive.

PIMD feeds the children in Sri Lanka (20 August 2022)

In June-July 2022 the Sri Lanka English Literacy project changed gears in response to the economic crisis in Sri Lanka. The project provided funds to 15 schools to cover the cost of providing a nutritious meal per day for every student for a month. Teachers told us that students were coming to school hungry and in some cases starving. Because the funds went directly to schools and then into local communities, the cost was one-third of much larger donor-led programs channelled from overseas and through Colombo. Thank you to our supporters who donated to this appeal. 

Sharing new skills (30 July 2022)

Orkeeswa School in rural Tanzania encourages students to be curious, to learn new skills and to share new skills with others.

Form 4 (year 10) students Naini and Nang’idai learned how to play the trumpet from one of their teachers, then shared their skills with other students and members of their community church. When their teacher left, Naini and Nang’idai took over the running of the school trumpet club. They taught pre-form one students, and helped them to improve their English at the same time. Naini and Nang’idai are developing skills in leadership and teaching through running the club. Naini said that through teaching music, she has connected with many students and improved her relationships with them. Nang’idai has helped her church group to write a Maasai song using the skills she has passed on.

See more youth-produced and inspired stories at Orkeeswa Story Lab

Save the Kula Babies goes island hopping! (11 July 2022)

Watch this fantastic video of a recent expedition of the team on a 6 week medical outreach trip around the PNG islands delivering much needed medical supplies and equipment. Our own Wendy Stein will soon be heading to Port Moresby and Alotau to restock their vessel – Kula Spirit – in readiness to expand their much needed services. Wendy urges all Rotarians conducting projects to partner with others, so maximum benefit is given to the recipients and to save huge amounts of donated funds.

Healthy families build healthy nations.

Second research study for youth needs (9 July 2022)
Two jupiter ambassadors

Caring for Our Port Stephens Youth (COPSY Inc.) is seeking expressions of interest for an updated study of the mental health needs of youth in Port Stephens. This is a Rotary project (RABS 12-2021-22) which has been going three years.

We are looking not only for input on the terms of reference for such a study but also for organisations that would be interested in conducting the study.
