Welcome back to Rotary – PDG Geoff Tancred

It is really pleasing to welcome PDG Geoff Tancred back to Rotary. He was inducted into our Club by President Rosie at our meeting held 27th August. Geoff originally joined Orange Calare Club, D9700 in 1986. The Rotary Club of Orange Calare offered our Club their charter when the Rotary E-Club Serving Humanity was formed.

Born in Sydney Geoff was educated at schools throughout country NSW and Victoria.

Prior to retirement, Geoff had been working in the Insurance Industry for over 50 years and holds a Diploma in General Insurance of The Australian Insurance Institute. A Registered Tax Agent, Geoff was also co-principal of a Tax Accounting practice which was sold in early 2013.

Geoff joined the Rotary Club of Orange Calare in District 9700 in 1986. He was President in 1989/1990. He was an Active and more recently an Honorary Member of the Rotary Club of Orange North. Geoff is a Paul Harris Fellow with three Sapphire Pins. Geoff was District Treasurer for 18 years and District Insurance Officer for 20 years. He was Governor of District 9700 in 2013/2014 and is a past Chair of the Rotary National Insurance Committee. In 2008 Geoff was awarded the District’s “Rotarian of the Year”. During the 1990’s Geoff compiled a training manual on Club Administration.

In 1991 Geoff was a member of a Rotary Australia World Community Service volunteer team building teacher housing at Brahman Mission in Papua New Guinea. Geoff toured the sub continent in 2014 with a team conducting the Dream Cricket program in India, Nepal and Sri Lanka. Geoff and his wife Betty have hosted several exchange students. They also hosted Hilda, a one year old brought to Australia by ROMAC (Rotary Oceania Medical Aid for Children) from the Solomon Islands. Hilda and her mother Agnes stayed with Geoff and Betty whilst she was recuperating from eye surgery. Geoff and Betty have attended two Rotary International World Conventions; Bangkok in 2012 and Sydney 2014.

Apart from Rotary, Geoff was a committee member of the Salvation Army’s Red Shield Appeal in Orange for eleven years, five years of which as its Chairman. In 2008 Geoff spent six months working in central China on a poverty alleviation program for peasant farmers. Geoff is a past president of the Australian Freshwater Fishermen’s Assembly, a former national freshwater fishing lobby group. A board member of Dream Cricket Australia for six years, Geoff held the position of treasurer.

In addition to playing Croquet, Geoffs leisure time is spent fly fishing for trout.

Greatest Achievement Convincing Betty that she still needs him after over 55 years of marriage.

Favourite Food Stir fries.

Favourite Holiday Destination -At their cabin beside the Macleay River on the Mid North Coast of New South Wales.

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